How To Install Sepm With Sql Server

Active4 years, 6 months ago

To do so with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and onwards: Execute the Microsoft SQL Server iso file to run the Setup wizard, In Setup Role, keep the default option SQL Server Feature Installation and click Next, In Feature Selection, select Management Tools - Basic and click Next - see below: Complete the Setup wizard to start the installation. Move The Database of SEPM From Embedded To Microsoft SQL Server. Backup the 'Server Private Key Backup' which locates at the installation folder of SEPM: 3. Here are the two things we backup: 4. Uninstall the SEPM, select delete database during the unistall process, then reboot the system; 5.

A database server is recommended, but the Symantec Endpoint Encryption database can also reside on a Microsoft SQL Server instance located on the Management Server. If a data base server is chosen to host the Symantec Endpoint Encryption database, the database server can be located inside or outside of Active Directory. Chapter 3 Installing the Symantec Endpoint Encryption Manager Console. Installation Overview. PREFACE The purpose of this guide is to provide information to successfully install the MS SQL client tools for the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) to. 1 Installing Oracle SQL Developer.

I export data from database using the BCP utility, I want to install bcp in client machine. I don't want to install SQL Server 2008 in client machine.

Is their any minimal installers available to install just bcp?

This is urgent task. Thanks in advance

Alex Bagnolini
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3 Answers

You have to use one of the SQL Server distributable packages to stay within licensing terms.Specifically 'Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Command Line Utilities'

Note: copying bcp.exe by itself will not work

Edit: latest download link: SQL Server distributable packages

Edit: an even later download link: SQL Server 2008R2 Feature Pack

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2015 - Installed on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

I needed the ODBC driver installed first...

Microsoft® ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server

Microsoft® Command Line Utilities 11 for SQL Server

p.s.In case you're reading this post and the year is > 2015, use the search to find a similar download:


well,just put the file below into c:/windows/

i tested on windows xp with which the 3 files come from sql server 2005 client

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There are multiple scenarios which we should consider while moving SEPM from one server to another server.

4 Steps total

Step 1: SEPM is having same hostname and IP address

If the SEPM server keeps the same IP and host name, you can refer to 'Best Practices for Disaster Recovery with the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager'

SEP 11.x:

SEP 12.1:

This solution is longer to implement but the new SEPM will be an exact copy of the current one.

Step 2: SEPM server has a different IP and same hostname and vice versa

SEPM server has a different IP and same hostname


SEPM server has a same IP and different hostanme

In this scenario as well we need to follow disaster recovery

SEP 11.x:

SEP 12.1:

Install Sepm

Symantec Endpoint Protection clients will be able to reach the new SEPM using either unchanged IP or hostname.

How To Install Sepm With Sql Server Server

Management server list will then be updated accordingly and sent automatically to clients.

Step 3: SEPM server has a differenet IP and different hostname.

If the new SEPM server has a different IP and host name, there are two alternatives:

1. Use replication to install a new SEPM and keep the policy the same with old SEPM. See 'How to move Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager from one machine to another'

How To Install Sepm With Sql Server

Note: Replication is an option, if you do replication and remove the old server that is the Primary SEPM, in future if you want to do replication you will not be able to do so.

2.Follow disaster recovery method & Create a new per following

a) Follow 'Best Practices for Disaster Recovery with Symantec Endpoint Protection' (see Related Articles below) to backup and reinstall SEPM on MACHINE_2
b) Log in to the old SEPM on MACHINE_1
c) Click Policies > Policy Components > Management Server Lists > Add Management Server List
d) Click Add> Priority and a new Priority would get added named as 'Priority2'
e) Add MACHINE_1 under Priority 2 and add MACHINE_2 under Priority 1, and assign this New Management Server List to all the groups.
f) Clients will then move from old SEPM to new one gradually
g) Stop the 'Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager' and 'Symantec Embedded Database' service on MACHINE_1 to verify whether all client now report to the new SEPM on MACHINE_2
h) Once verified that all the clients are reporting into the new SEPM, and have moved away from the old one, proceed to the next step.
i) Uninstall SEPM from MACHINE_1

Install a new fresh SEPM, then use the Sylink.xml file to establish the communication between new SEPM and the existing SEP clients with the help of Sylink replacer tool.

This option is effective if having limited number of clients in the network.

Step 4: Helpful Public KB Articles:

How To Install Sql Server 2017

SEP 11

How to move Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager from one machine to another

SEP 12.1

How To Install Sepm With Sql Server Download

How to move Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 12.1 from one machine to another

Related Articles:

Best Practices guide for moving the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager SQL Server database from one drive to another on the same machine

Best Practices guide to moving the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager SQL Server database from an existing SQL Server database to a new SQL Server database

Best Practices guide to moving the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager SQL Server database from an existing SQL Server database to a new SQL Server database


  • How to move SEPM from one server to another server.


  • Mace
    hsc5775 Nov 27, 2012 at 01:27pm

    thx for share

  • Serrano
    DarkSync Jul 22, 2013 at 06:39am

    Hi ,

    I did option 3 since i had new hostnamen new ip it worked fine ! .
    My new server is windows 2012 and i had 1 problem with a server thats in a workgroup.
    that server stayed on the old on afther some research i found that the server cant connect to the new server only on hostname.
    what i did is edit the symantec config file and added the domain for the new server hostname.domain.local instead of just hostname then it just moved to the new server and they are all moved now .
    i dont know why it didnt work with 2012 FW was off i think its an other safty setting thats preventing non domain servers from moving to new server .

    Kind Regards,


  • Pimiento
    Arif Rosada Feb 25, 2015 at 02:45am

    To David
    Where is the symantec config file? Did you change in new server or old server?