Install Rpm Package On Open Filer Cluster

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Kubernetes is an open-source system used for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Kubernetes is enterprise-ready and can be installed on various platforms. I've already touched on how to get Kubernetes up and running on Ubuntu Server (see 'How to quickly install Kubernetes on Ubuntu'). This time around, I'm going to walk you through the process of setting up a Kubernetes cluster on CentOS 7. This makes for an outstanding one-two punch for your containerized applications.

Run the below command to install all the Clustering related packages [root@ node3 ~]# yum groupinstall 'High Availability Management' 'High Availability' On node1 and node2: Install the below given packages to start building your cluster nodes and connect to the iSCSI Targets as we will create in openfiler. How to install or upgrade an RPM package? In order to install an RPM package you must first have the RPM package you are trying to install on your system. The Red Hat Customer Portal provides all the RPM packages included in our products in our Downloads area. There are two ways to locate a package you are interested in. Installation of 11gR2 Rac on RHEL using VMware and Openfiler. Either configure NTP, or make sure it is not configured so the Oracle Cluster Time Synchronization Service (ctssd) can synchronize the times of the RAC nodes. Install the following package from the Oracle grid media after you've defined groups. How to add ISCSI targets (created from openfiler) for Linux-shared storage setup. Package installation: rpm –ivh iscsi-initiator-utils- (RHEL), AIX, Veritas Volume Manager, ZFS, Liveupgrades, Storage Migrations, Cluster deployment (VCS and HACMP) and administration and upgrade on Banking, Telecom, IT.

SEE: Quick glossary: Storage (Tech Pro Research)

For packages that already exist and are up to date, the RPM command will simply ignore the install and print a warning message to the console that the package is already installed. Redhat Cluster High Availability Installation – Part 1. [root@cluster Packages]# rpm -ivh python-deltarpm-3.5-0.5.20090913git.el6.x86_64.rpm. Install Openfiler as a Guest OS in VirtualBox Defining FreeIPA Sudo Rule - Part 6 Squid Graphical Analysis Tool Modify FreeIPA Password Policy - Part 8.

What you'll need

I'll be demonstrating with three CentOS 7 servers (at the following IP addresses):

  • kubemaster:
  • kube2:
  • kube3:

Make sure to change the IP addresses to fit your needs. You'll also need root access on all three servers. I do suggest first testing this on virtual machines, before attempting the installation on production servers.

Install Rpm Package On Open Filer Cluster

With that said, let's install.

Pre-installation configuration

The first thing you want to do is configure your /etc/hosts file, so that each machine can ping one another via hostname. So on each machine, issue the su command (to change to the root user) and then edit the file with the command nano /etc/hosts. At the end of the file, append the following (again, adjusting the IP addresses to fit your needs):

Save and close that file.

Disable SELinux and swap


Now we need to disable both SELinux and swap. On all three machines, issue the following commands:

Next, disable swap (on all three machines) with the following command:

We must also ensure that swap isn't re-enabled during a reboot on each server. Open up the /etc/fstab and comment out the swap entry like this:

Enable br_netfilter

For our next trick, we'll be enabling the br_netfilter kernel module on all three servers. This is done with the following commands:

Install Docker-ce

It's time to install the necessary Docker tool. On all three machines, install the Docker-ce dependencies with the following command:

Next, add the Docker-ce repository with the command:

Install Docker-ce with the command:

Install Kubernetes

This is also done on all three servers. First we need to create a repository entry for yum. To do this, issue the command nano /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo and then add the following contents:

Save and close that file. Install Kubernetes with the command:

Once the installation completes, reboot all three machines. As soon as each machine has rebooted, log back in and su to the root user.

Cgroup changes

Now we need to ensure that both Docker-ce and Kubernetes belong to the same control group (cgroup). By default, Docker should already belong to cgroupfs (you can check this with the command docker info | grep -i cgroup). To add Kubernetes to this, issue the command:

Restart the systemd daemon and the kubelet service with the commands:

Initialize the Kubernetes cluster

We're now ready to initialize the Kubernetes cluster. This is done on kubemaster (and only on that machine). On kubemaster, issue the command (again, adjusting the IP addresses to fit your needs):

When this completes (it'll take anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes), the output should include the joining command for your nodes (Figure A).

Figure A

Once that completes, head over to kube2 and issue the command (adjusting the IP address to fit your needs):

Where TOKEN and DISCOVERY_TOKEN are the tokens displayed after the initialization command completes.

Configuring Kubernetes

Before Kubernetes can be used, we must take care of a bit of configuration. Issue the following three commands (to create a new .kube configuration directory, copy the necessary configuration file, and give the file the proper ownership):

Deploy flannel network

Now we must deploy the flannel network to the cluster with the command:

Checking your nodes

Once the deploy command completes, you should be able to see both nodes on the master, by issuing the command kubectl get nodes (Figure B).

Figure B

All ready

Congratulations, you now have a Kubernetes cluster ready for pods. I'll be demonstrating how to deploy your first pod when next we visit the Kubernetes topic. Until then, happy clustering!

Also see

  • How to deploy NGINX on a Kubernetes cluster (TechRepublic)
  • 10 Kubernetes tips for getting the most out of the open source container system (TechRepublic)
  • How to use Antsle to quickly deploy a virtual machine (TechRepublic)
  • How to easily edit a network connection on a CentOS 7 minimal installation (TechRepublic)
  • Red Hat introduces Kubernetes Operators software development toolkit (ZDNet)

Hi all. Before we start the second part, let’s review about what we have done in Part 01. In Part 01 of this clustering series, we’ve discussed about clustering technique and in which cases it can be used along with the advantages and disadvantages of clustering. And also we have covered the pre-requisites for this setup and what each package will do after we configured the kind of a setup.

You can review Part 01 and Part 03 from below links.

As I said in my last article, that we prefer 3 servers for this setup; one server act as a cluster server and others as nodes.

In today’s Part 2, we will see how to install and configure clustering on Linux. For this we need to install below packages in all three servers.

  1. Ricci (ricci-0.16.2-75.el6.x86_64.rpm)
  2. Luci (luci-0.26.0-63.el6.centos.x86_64.rpm)
  3. Mod_cluster (modcluster-0.16.2-29.el6.x86_64.rpm)
  4. CCS (ccs-0.16.2-75.el6_6.2.x86_64.rpm)
  5. CMAN(cman-
  6. Clusterlib (clusterlib-

Step 1: Installing Clustering in Linux

So let’s start installing these packages in all three servers. You can easily install all these packages using yum package manager.

I will start by installing “ricci” package on all these three servers.

Install Ricci Package

After ricci installation is done, we can see it has installed mod_cluster and cluster lib as its dependencies.

Next I’m installing luci using yum install “luci” command.

Install Luci Package

After the installation of luci, you can see it has installed the dependencies it needed.

Install Rpm Package On Open Filer Cluster 2017

Now, let’s install ccs package in the servers. For that I entered yum install ccs.x86_64 which is shown in the list when I issued yum list |grep “ccs” or else you can simply issue yum install “ccs”.

Install CSS Package

Let’s install cman as the last requirement for this particular setup. The command is yum install “cman” or yum install cman.x86_64 as shown in the yum list as I mentioned earlier.

We need to confirm the installations are in place. Issue below command to see whether the packages we needed are installed properly in all three servers.

All Packages Installed

Perfect all the packages are installed and all we need to do is configuring the setup.

Step 2: Configure Cluster in Linux

1. As the first step for setting up the cluster, you need to start the ricci service on all three servers.

Start Ricci On Node 01

2. Since ricci is started in all servers, now it’s time to create the cluster. This is where ccs package comes to our help when configuring the cluster.

If you don’t want to use ccs commands then you will have to edit the “cluster.conf” file for adding the nodes and do other configs. I guess easiest way is to use following commands. Let’s have a look.

Since I haven’t created the cluster yet, there’s no cluster.conf file created in /etc/cluster location yet as shown below.

Check Cluster Configuration File

In my case, I do this in which is dedicated for cluster management. Now onwards, everytime we try to use ricci server, it will ask for ricci’s password. So you will have to set the password of ricci user in all servers.

Enter passwords for ricci user.

Now enter the command as shown below.

You can see after entering above command, cluster.conf file is created in /etc/cluster directory.

Create Cluster Configuration

This is how my default cluster.conf looks like before I do the configs.

3. Now let’s add the two nodes to the system. In here also we use ccs commands to make the configurations. I’m not going to manually edit the cluster.conf file but use the following syntax.

Add Nodes to Cluster

Add the other node too.

This is how cluster.conf file looks like after adding the node servers.

Cluster Configuration with Nodes

You also can enter below command to verify node details.

Perfect. You have successfully created the cluster yourself and added two nodes. For further details about ccs command options, enter ccs –help command and study the details. Since now you know how to create the cluster and add nodes to it, I will post Part 03 soon for you.

Install Rpm Package On Open Filer Cluster System

Thank you, till then keep connected with Tecmint for handy and latest How To’s.

Install Rpm Package On Ubuntu
