How To Install Libiconv Red Hat

RPM resource libiconv. A character translation library providing the POSIX iconv(3) function. Found 1 sites for libiconv. Subject: Cross compile problem - glib and libiconv I have seen other posting related to similar problem, but haven't come across the answer yet. I'm trying to cross compile GTK+ 2.4.4 for uClinux running on the ARM, using a Redhat Linux system. Red Hat / CentOS¶ Install Nokogiri on a brand new Red Had / CentOS system with these commands. Building nokogiri using packaged libraries. ----- libiconv is missing. When you are ready to install the ODBC driver on Linux, execute the command:./ install. If you need to specify an install command (bin-dir or lib-dir), specify the command after the install option. After reviewing the license agreement, type YES to continue with the installation. How to install iconv-devel on CentOS 5.6? Ask Question 6. After installing rvm on CentOS 5.6 and run rvm notes: dependencies: # For RVM rvm: yum install -y bash curl git # NOTE: For git you need the EPEL repository enabled # For Ruby (MRI & Ree) you should install the following OS dependencies: ruby: yum install -y gcc-c++ patch readline. Issue with installing rpm in AIX 6.1 I am trying to install an rpm: libiconv-1.14-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm which is a dependency to install GIT. While I gave the command I got the foll message.

  1. Libiconv Ubuntu
  2. How To Install Libiconv Red Hats
  3. Yum Install Libiconv
Active1 year ago

I am trying to install pysqlite (Python interface to the SQLite). I downloaded the file with the package (pysqlite-2.5.5.tar.gz). And I did the following:

At the last step I have a problem. I get the following error message:

I found that other peoples also had this problem.

As far as I understood in the person had a problem because sqlite2 was not installed. But in my case, I have sqlite3 (I can run it from command line).

May be I should change some paths in 'setup.cfg'? At the moment I have there:

And if I type 'which sqlite3' I get:

I saw a similar question here. The answer was 'you need sqlite3-dev'. But, even if it is the case, how to check if I have sqlite3-dev. And if I do not have it how to get it?

Can anybody pleas help me with that problem.

Thank you in advance.

SilentGhostHow To Install Libiconv Red Hat
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11 Answers

how to check if I have 'sqlite3-dev'

That's entirely dependent on what Linux distro you're using -- is it Fedora, Suse, Ubuntu, Gentoo, Mandrake, or which other one out of the dozens out there; there are several packaging strategies and tools used to check which packages are there, get more, and so forth.

So, never ask questions about checking, getting or tweaking packages on Linux without specifying the distribution[s] of interest -- it makes it essentially impossible to offer precise, specific help.

Edit: the simplest way I know of getting details about your Linux distribution (works on all the ones I have at hand to try, but I don't have a particularly wide array...;-):

This is probably going to be the contents of file /etc/lsb-release, but I'm suggesting the *-release because I think there may be some other such files involved.

Of course, if the need to check your distro applies inside a file or program, reading this file (or files) and locating specific contents will also be quite feasible; but for the purpose of informing would-be helpers about what distro you're using, the cat at the shell prompt is going to be quite sufficient;-).

Alex MartelliAlex Martelli
659k134 gold badges1059 silver badges1292 bronze badges

I was able to resolve the same build error by installing the sqlite-devel package:


I had the same problem, I'm using python 2.4, neither sqlite3-dev nor libsqlite3-dev are available for CentOS.

seems to solve the issue.


What version of Python do you have? SQLite is integrated in Python since 2.5:

If you insist on compiling it yourself, the package is called sqlite3-devel, you can find it e.g. here

Benjamin WohlwendBenjamin Wohlwend
22.9k8 gold badges75 silver badges92 bronze badges

You could use yum or apt-get insteadfirst type :

you will get something like python-sqlite3dbm.noarch

then type :

this way your os will install all you need for you and you wont get errors


I had following compile errors on CentOS release 5.6:

Installing python-devel helped me too:

yum install python-devel


I'm the one who answered the other question :) On systems that use RPM packages, i.e. you normally use 'yum' to install things, the package is named sqlite3-devel.

On most Debian based systems (i.e. you use apt-get to install packages), the package is named sqlite3-dev.

This is a very typical difference between the two, most other packages follow the same naming convention.

Tim PostTim Post
28.1k15 gold badges98 silver badges158 bronze badges

I had the same trouble with gcc failing with Ubuntu Karmic. I fixed this by installing the python-dev package. In my case, I'm working with python2.4, so I installed the python2.4-dev package. The python-dev package should work for python2.6.


Libiconv Ubuntu

4,5412 gold badges19 silver badges49 bronze badges
1,3662 gold badges23 silver badges57 bronze badges

you need to install the plug in

How To Install Libiconv Red Hats

then install it

James LeeJames Lee

Yum Install Libiconv

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